asteartea, maiatza 10, 2022

Heine (2003): "... and to explain why they [grammatical forms] are structured the way they are."

Atzo ikusten genuen nóla Lakarrak (2018) aipatzen zuén Shields (2005) nok aipatzen zuén Fox (1995) mintzátuz gain "legeak" e garabideak ("laws" of language development"), zeinen arabera determinatu ahalko litzake zéin aldaketa izan ahal diren probableagoak ze besteak, hala nola ere zéin izan ahal den norabide orokorrá e aldaketa linguistikoa:

One of the most significant recent developments in the field of historical linguistics has been the identification of what Fox (1995: 194) calls «'laws' of language development» - a methodology «for determining which changes are more likely than others, and ... criteria for determining the overall direction of linguistic change.» This methodology is largely an aspect of what has come to be known as «grammaticalization theory» (Shields 2005: 53).

Aipu hori aterea dago ti ondorengo textua, non Shields-ek (2005) orobat aipatzen du Heine (2003) esánez ze "gramatikalizazio-teoriaren" helburuetako bat dá azaltzea zergátik hizkuntzen forma gramatikalak dauden estrukturatuak nola dauden:

... and to explain why they [grammatical forms] are structured the way they are. [Heine, 2003]

Eta gauza da ze artikulu-sarrera hori ondo erabil liteke ki laburbildu helburuák te hizkuntzalaritza funtzionala.